


Your experts for high-quality plastic emblems with Kromex® technology

kromex 3d letteringLes Graveurs uses Kromex® technology to manufacture first-class 3D plastic emblems, distinguished by their excellent quality and durability. Our emblems are available in a wide variety of colors and surface textures, providing flexibility to perfectly match the branding of our clients.

  • High precision: Kromex® allows us to produce detailed emblems with the highest precision. Whether delicate lettering, complex logos, or unique shapes – with Kromex®, we accurately bring our clients' design ideas to life.

  • Durability: Our emblems are designed to withstand the toughest conditions. They are UV-resistant, weatherproof, and retain their shape and color for many years.

  • Aesthetic versatility: By combining different colors and surface textures, we can create emblems that are not only functional but also visually appealing. This versatility allows us to develop custom solutions for every brand.


Complete in-house production for maximum flexibility

Kromex fundingThe Kromex® technology enables us to control the entire production process in-house. This brings significant advantages:
  • Flexibility in production: With in-house production, we can quickly respond to changes in customer requirements. Whether small design adjustments or larger production series – we remain flexible and agile.

  • Quality control: Since we handle all production steps ourselves, we can ensure the quality of each emblem. From selecting raw materials to final finishing – we pay attention to every detail.


Sustainability: Responsibility towards the environment

The Kromex® technology allows us to produce in a resource-efficient manner and minimize waste.
  • Resource-efficient production: We use only the materials needed to manufacture an emblem and continuously optimize our processes to reduce waste.

  • Environmentally friendly methods: Our commitment to sustainability is also reflected in our production methods. We use eco-friendly materials and technologies that minimize the ecological footprint of our products.


Versatile applications for our emblems

Our Kromex® emblems are used in various industries and help present our clients' brand identity in an impressive way:
  • Automotive industry: Our emblems are often used as brand and model markings on vehicles. They offer an elegant and durable solution for the automotive sector, meeting the highest standards.

  • Household appliance industry: In the household appliance industry, our emblems are found on products such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. They not only ensure clear brand identification but also add a high-quality look to the products.

  • Electronics industry: Our emblems are also in demand in the electronics industry. They are used on devices such as televisions, computers, and other electronic products, contributing to brand building.


Custom solutions for your brand

Les Graveurs specializes in developing custom emblem solutions that are perfectly tailored to the needs and requirements of your brand. Our expertise in using Kromex® technology enables us to create unique and high-quality emblems that showcase your brand in the best light.
  • Custom designs: We work closely with our clients to develop custom designs that optimally reflect their brand identity.

  • Top quality: Our goal is to produce emblems that are not only durable but also visually convincing.



FAQ – Kromex® technology and plastic emblems

What is Kromex® technology?
Kromex® technology is an advanced process for producing 3D plastic emblems, known for high precision and durability. It enables the production of detailed lettering, logos, and emblems with different surface textures and colors that can be perfectly tailored to a company's branding.
What are the advantages of Kromex® emblems?
Kromex® emblems offer several advantages, including high precision in representing logos and lettering, long durability, UV resistance, and weatherproofing. They retain their shape and color for many years and also offer great aesthetic versatility by combining different colors and surfaces.
In which industries are Kromex® emblems used?
Kromex® emblems are used in various industries, including automotive, household appliances, and electronics. In the automotive industry, they serve as brand and model markings, while in the household appliance and electronics industries, they contribute to brand building and enhance the visual appeal of products.
How does Les Graveurs ensure the quality of the emblems?
Les Graveurs controls the entire production process of Kromex® emblems in-house. This allows for strict quality control from the selection of materials to the final finish. This control ensures that every emblem meets the highest standards in terms of precision and durability.
How environmentally friendly is the production of Kromex® emblems?
The production of Kromex® emblems is resource-efficient. Les Graveurs uses environmentally friendly materials and continuously optimizes the production process to minimize waste and keep the ecological footprint as low as possible.
Can Kromex® emblems be customized?
Yes, Les Graveurs offers custom solutions for Kromex® emblems that are perfectly tailored to the clients' brand identity. Whether complex logos, delicate lettering, or unique shapes – Kromex® technology enables precise and individual realization of any design idea.



Contact and further information

If you would like to learn more about how Les Graveurs can support your brand with high-quality plastic emblems, we invite you to visit our website. Here you will find detailed information about our products and services, as well as examples of successful projects. Get inspired and discover how we can help with your next project.



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